My Self Improvement Journey

How to stop yourself from scrolling

I’ve always known that pointlessly scrolling on my phone is bad, but for a while, I haven’t been able to stop it. Just recently, I started implementing a few tricks to ge me off my phone.

  1. Watch movies
    • After scrolling on youtube, or tiktok for hours, I didn’t remember anything I had just watched. It shocked me that I could barely remember what I had done for the past 3 hours. To counter this, I watch movies.
    • When you watch long form content, such as a movie, you actually remember what you watch. This is so much better than scrolling on your phone, watching brain rot. Watching movies produces less dopamine that scrolling on your phone, but it is still enjoyable. When you watch movies, you train your brain to focus for longer periods of time. I’m not saying that watching movies is better than reading, but it is much better than watching 10 second videos.
  2. Get outside more
    • One of the ways I am fighting my phone addiction is by leaving the house. I realized that I only waste time on my phone, when I am at home, and alone. To counter this, I make myself leave the house, even if it is just to go for a walk, or run to the store, so that I’m not on my phone.
    • The days where I spend the most time are days where I have practice, or see my friends, because I have better things to do than to be on my phone. Of course, you can’t be out of the house most of the time, but If you ever find yourself wasting time, or being unproductive, go for a walk.

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