My Self Improvement Journey


I have been gratitude journaling everyday for the past 2 years. It has had tremendous benefits. I am so much happier, and I can appreciate all that life has to offer. If I am having a bad day, it has helped me a lot to ground myself, because things are rarely as bad as they seem. If you are reading this, it means that you have access to the internet, which is something to be grateful for.

Recently, I found that I have been putting the same things in my gratitude journal like my family, my friends, etc. I realized that it would help me more if I look for new things to be grateful for each day.

Lets do some gratitude journaling right now. Take out a piece of paper and something to write with, and If you can’t right now, just think of five things that you are grateful for.

Here are mine :

  1. I am grateful for the sunny weather we are having
  2. I am grateful that I am healthy, and I am recovering from my injuries
  3. I am grateful that I don’t have much homework this weekend
  4. I am grateful that I live close to a park, and can go there and play basketball
  5. I am grateful for my free time

I gratitude journal everyday, and now I hope that you will too. Thank you. I will be posting everyday at 7PM EST.

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