My Self Improvement Journey

Fixing My Diet

Summer is coming up, and I am refocusing on my fitness. As I said in an earlier post, my fitness had been slacking, so I got refocused on fitness by waking up earlier. Part of my fitness journey is my diet, which has been slacking. My birthday was pretty recent, and that gave me an excuse to slack on my diet, and I saw the effects. My skin got worse, and I felt groggy. These are the changes I’ve made to get into my best shape for the summer.

  1. Milk instead of ice cream
    • Most nights, after I take my creatine, I like to have a little something sweet. Around my birthday, that was cake or ice cream, or both. Now, I just have a glass of milk after my creatine, because it has a similar taste to ice cream, while being much healthier.
  2. Yogurt instead of cereal in the morning
    • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make it a good one. Most cereals have a ton of sugar in them, and very little nutritional value. Even healthy cereals, while not having as much sugar, don’t have as much protein as a bowl of yogurt.
    • It is especially important for me to eat yogurt in the morning because I work out first thing in the morning, so I need protein.

Thank you for reading, and I hope that this helps you. I am posting everyday at 7PM EST, so make sure to tune in. See you next time,

NYC self improvement

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